


東京外大 2003 大問Ⅲ

In many ways, the family is the most obvious field of conflict in the culture war. Some would argue that it is an absolute battleground. The public debate over the status and role of women, the increase in family violence, the rise of aggr…

東京外大2003 大問Ⅱ

We human beings of the developed societies have once more been expelled from a garden ― the man-made garden of Euro-American humanism and its ideas about human superiority, uniqueness, and dominance. We have been thrown back into that othe…

東京外国語大学 2003 大問Ⅰ

The benefits which would flow from the existence of a global language are considerable, but some commentators have pointed to possible risks. Perhaps a global language will hasten the disappearance of minority languages, or ― the ultimate …